Provides for the mandatory installation of toy libraries in health units that offer pediatric inpatient care.
Art. 1 Hospitals that offer pediatric care will necessarily have toy libraries in their facilities.
Single paragraph. The provision in the caput of this article applies to any health unit that offers pediatric care on an inpatient basis.
Art. 2 A toy library is considered, for the purposes of this Law, the space provided with toys and educational games, intended to encourage children and their companions to play.
Art. 3 Failure to comply with the provisions of art. 1 of this Law constitutes a violation of federal health legislation and subjects its offenders to the penalties provided for in item II of art. 10 of Law No. 6,437, of August 20, 1977. obs.dji.grau.1: Art. 10, II, Infractions and Penalties - Infractions with the Federal Health Legislation and the Respective Sanctions - L-006.437-1977
Art. 4 This Law enters into force 180 (one hundred and eighty) days after the date of its publication
Brasília, March 21, 2005; 184th of Independence and 117th of the Republic.
Hospital Toy Law - ABBri's Proposals
Exma. Mrs.
Federal Deputy
Luiza Erundina,
LAW No. 11.104 / 2015 provides for the mandatory installation of toy libraries in health units that offer pediatric care in hospital, constituting a significant milestone in the history of Toy Libraries in Brazil.
The Board and the Council of the Brazilian Toy Library Association consider their role to contribute so that this process of implanting toys in a health environment takes root and expands, with fundamentals of increasing quality, in accordance with the commitments assumed by the nation regarding rights children and adolescents, in particular the right to play, due to the promotion of their physical and psychological health and better adherence to medical treatments. Therefore, it is essential that the legal rules include:
- differentiation between the free and spontaneous playful activities of children in the Toy Library and the school learning space, in the Hospital Class, as well as with directed recreation activities or crafts;
- specificity of the Toy Library as a place for multi-professional dialogue and meeting expectations and demands arising from everyone who interacts and takes care of children: the medical and nursing staff, the other employees of the institution, family members and the children themselves.
- need for a professional who is responsible for the management, organization and maintenance of the extremely specialized Toy Library, the Hospital Toy Library, in order to ensure the continuity and coherence of your project over time.
- the need to specify the profile of this professional, based on professional training requirements and personal characteristics, since to work with children and their families, in an environment where free and spontaneous play predominates, they must have a good balance emotional, being communicative and welcoming without being invasive, being attentive to what goes on around you without controlling and directing people, being organized and, above all, enjoying PLAYING.
- need to identify the preferred areas for professional training: Education, Psychology, Art-Education, Occupational Therapy, (technical courses ??) with a focus on child development and operational aspects of implantation, operationalization and continuous evaluation of a toy library.
- the need to ensure the provision of physical space and resources for the acquisition, maintenance and replacement of materials (furniture, toys, games, books, video games, art supplies, among others).
To this end, we present our request for review and expansion of Law 11.104 / 2005 in the following aspects:
1 - Extension of the obligation of Toy Library to any health unit that offers pediatric care, whether in-hospital, Child Emergency Room or outpatient care.
2 - A toy library is considered to be a space provided with toys and games designed to favor children and their companions to play freely and spontaneously, mediated by diversified play resources.
3 - Playful activities, their resources and materials must be organized according to the specificities of the hospital environment and Health units in general, considering the development and the physical and socio-affective conditions of the children served in these Health units.
4 - The management of the Hospital Playroom or in a Health environment is carried out by a professional called a Playroom, linked to the hospital team.
5- The professional responsible for the management of the Hospital Playroom or in a Health environment in general will have proven specific theoretical and practical training in the area of child development, play activities and organizational resources specific to the Playhouses, in addition to knowledge about the rules of the Commission of Hospital Infection Control (CCIH) of the site.
5 - The professional in charge of the Hospital Playroom or in a Health Environment, called the Playmate, will have collaborators with specific training in the area of play and childhood and it will be up to him to promote the updating of knowledge of these participants.
6 - Since the Health Surveillance is the only instance of inspection of the Toy Library in a health environment provided for by Law 11.104 / 2005, it is necessary to train the inspectors who work there in order to acquire conditions to evaluate hospital toys in accordance with criteria of quality of organization and functioning, in view of its function and objectives.
7 - For the registration of pediatric hospitals in the Health System to be put into effect, the inclusion of the existence of Toy Libraries and Toys in these hospitals, along the lines described in the previous propositions of this claim, is made, this register being accessible to users and researchers. , from the Brazilian Association of Toys and similar entities that deal with issues related to childhood.
The Brazilian Toy Library Association proposes to collaborate in the application of the suggested proposals and measures, through the elaboration of information content appropriate to the different actors and levels involved in them, to be disseminated through explanatory manuals and videos, or by other means to be used. to define.
We are available to the Deputy for further clarification and support in whatever is necessary.
Maria Celia R. Malta Campos
President - ABBri
By the Board and Council